Download R Studio interpreter.
Open RStudio.
Add a file
Import a CSV
This will ask if you want to install a component to get CSVs. Say yes. It will install automatically.
Choose your file and then click Import at the bottom right.
Check which Libraries are available
Add a Library via command
Go to the RStudio console and type.
Add a Library via Script
Install new Library
Install Library via command
Search through docs
Two ways to assign variables
# hash tag lets you write a comment.
Multiline comment
Modulus operator
10 %% 2
# outputs: 010 %% 3
# outputs: 1
Get the type of a variable
s = "a"class(a)
# "character"
R does not use strings, it only uses character for multi and single character objects.
Convert type
i = 10
# output: "integer"i = as.character(i)
# output: "character"
check type
Basic Operators
10 + 20
10 - 20
10 * 20
10/20 # result is double
10 %% 20 # modulus
10 %/% 20 # result is integer
List (array)
Unlike Python and most languages indices start from 1 in r.
l = list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "cat")
Unlike Python and most languages indices start from 1 in r.
vec = c(1, 2, 3, 4, "cat")
It concatenates for each character in the vector.
Concatenation doesn’t always do that.
Create a Matrix
matrix(c(1, 3, 4, 5), nrow=2, byrow = TRUE)
Create DataFrame
students = data.frame(
Name = c("X", "Y"),
Age = c(10, 9),
class = c('5th', '4th')
If else
if (condition) {} else if (other condition) {} else {}
How to get a user input
usernum = as.integer(readline(prompt = "Enter a number"))
You have to run lines separately when taking a user input in RStudio.