Networking notes

Types of networks

5 min readApr 1, 2020
  • LAN — local area network, single farm connected through wires. (Not a server farm)
  • MAN — Metropolitan area network. When a city or area is connected through internet connection.
  • WAN- Wide Area Network is when a country or the whole world is connected together.

Topology of a network

  • Mesh: two way connections in between nodes. It is complex
  • bus: Single wire shared by multiple computers. If there is a disturbance the whole network gets disturbed.
  • star: If one device crashes it doesn’t crash the whole system.
  • ring: Connected in a circular fashion. Passes tokens between devices. If any devices crash then the whole network gets destroyed.

Networking Devices

  • Routers: They help in routing, create a path. It is an IP resolver.
  • hub: provides half duplex communications.
  • Switch: provides full duplex communication. It is intelligent because it allows two way communication.
  • Bridges: Helps my computer and the network connect to each other. It creates a path.
  • Firewalls: Lets some information in and keeps other information out. Accept information (allowing traffic), reject information (blocking trafic and reporting) or drop information (blocking traffic without giving a message).
  • Gateways: Helps block unnecessary data that will come and hamper your system.


  • OSI: Open system interconnection. First ever structur for web communication between any two devices. There are 7 layers.

7 server layers.

A network engineer will work on the layers 2–7.

  1. Application layer: produces data.
  2. Presentation Layer: Translation layer. Encrypts and decrypts.
  3. Session Layer: Software layers ^Is responsible for establishment of connection, authentication and security between the devices.
  4. Transport Layer: Heart of OSN model. End to end delivery of the complete message.
  5. Network Layer: Transmission of data from one host to the other if both of the devices are located at different networks.
  6. Data Link Layer: With the data link layer is responsible for node to node delivery of messages in physical layer.
  7. Physical Layer Hardware layers ^: responsible for actual physical connection between devices. It carries information in bit format. It has certain functions. It has certain functions such as bit synchronization, bit rate control.

Firewall functions

  • accept information: Allows traffic.
  • reject information: rejects traffic with a report.
  • gateways: rejects traffic without giving a message.

IP (Internet protocol)

  • Public IP: Dynamic. Changes every time you connect to the internet.
  • Private IP: Static.
  • ipv4: Previously established internet protocol. First version of ip. It uses 32 bit address scheme which means it has 4 billion addresses. Only has numbers.
  • ipv6: latest version of ip which is more secure because it uses 128 bit address Scheme. Has Hexadecimal values.
  • DNS: domain name.

TCP/IP architectures


  • Stands for: Transmission Control Protocol
  • Synchronization: follows it and therefore is good for chatting.
  • Used at server and client end.
  • Layer 1: Application and presentation are merged together
  • Layer 2: Session Layer:
  • Layer 3: Transport layer network layer and data link layer are merged together
  • Layer 4: physical layer.


  • Synchronization: Never follows it, and is therefore good for live broadcasting.


  • half duplex: two way, but one at a time. Think walkie talkie.
  • Full duplex: both can send messages and receive messages at the same time.
  • bit synchronization: it is like having a clock between the sender and receiver to control the flow of bits.
  • bit rate control: bits sent per second, a measuring unit. ie: 30 bits per second.
  • Scatter format: breaking up messages into smaller packets which travel at different rates.

Hyper visor

  • Virtualization layer: Duplicate servers running as backups. .imaginary layer, like virtual layer. Lets say we launch in 3 servers. If one crashes it will slide to the next server. aka VM, Hypervisor.

Cloud computing

  • Provides the look and feel of a desktop over a different server. Device which has a browser and an internet connection. You can use this OS on any device.
  • Internet based service
  • On-demand delivery of computer power, database and other it resources
  • pay per use basis.
  • Broad network access, you can access different options: tablet iphone notebook different devices.
  • Rapid elasticity: compute power grows and shrinks with needs.
  • Pay for what you use, not what you don’t use.
  • On demand self service. Whenever you need it, it is available to you.
  • resource pooling: Large scale it resources to serve multiple clients.

Cloud deployment models: or types of cloud

  1. Public cloud: Made accessible to the general public such as a public github.
  2. private cloud: Cloud services are fully dedicated towards a specific organization. If any employee does any work, it will be viewable to anyone in the organization.
  3. hybrid cloud: combination of both public and private cloud.
  4. community cloud: share between organizations that have similar requirements such as college campuses. Lets say there is the engineering branch, the medical branch. they do have similar requirements of a network and so they share similar infrastructure.

Service Models

  1. SAS: Software as a service, such as gmail. Data is on the cloud, not the memory of the client device. Google Drive is software as a service.
  2. Paas: Platform as a service, gives a software environment. Select one programming language and start coding such as LeetCode. You do not need to install python on your machine and Google App Engine, you can choose a language and start coding.
  3. Computation: (Iaas) Infrastructure as a service. It helps you in providing new compute capacity, it will give you different flavors of OS, different architecture, network capacity. A new desktop, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure.
  4. Storage: (Daas) Data-storage as a service. Examples are Amazon S3 and Google Drive. Google Drive can be used as both Saas and Daas.
  5. Network as a Service (Naas): Examples: AWS Internet Gateway.
  6. Hardware as a Service (Haas): Allows you to operate manage and upgrade the hardwares.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Aws has everything we needed. AWS is more reliable than other competitors and it is scalable as well. It is affordable as well. They have multiple services within each category.


  • Elastic compute cloud, it is a web service that grows and shrinks compute capacity. Launch as many or as few virtual instances. If you have a user signed in, you have one EC2. If you have a million users and 100,000 active users, you have 100,000 EC2 instances. Creates a new virtual desktop for you.
  • Features: Instances, AMI (Amazon Machine Instances) keeps your operating system type (Linux, Windows, MacOS could be available but isn’t), Key Pairs: Keeps security login information. When I create an instance I need to log in to that particular instance. Security Groups: Firewall to specify protocols, port and source IP, Instance Store volumes: default provides 30GB, EBS Volume: if 30GB is insufficient your storage can grow with Elastic Block Storage, so it grows in increments of Gigabytes. Regions and availability zones: You can keep it on different availability zones. Elastic IP Address: Creates static public ip address. Metadata: tags for amazon resources.



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