My rules to permanent weight loss
Weight loss has little to do with calorie counting and will power, and it has a lot more to do with managing your metabolism. Also feeling full without binging.
1. Eat 6 eggs first thing in the morning. (30 grams of protein)
If you don’t feel like doing this, its because your metabolism is out of wack. Start with one bite, then slowly take it from there.
2. Avoid blood sugar spikers like sugary sweets, bagels, hamburger buns, hotdog buns, wonder bread, pasta, fruit juice, chocolate milk, cake, donuts, bananaa milk. eat a high protein or high fat meal instead wait for the temptation to dissapear. You can substitute sweet foods for natural sweeteners that do not raise your blood sugar like inulin or monk fruit. Instead eat a handful of mixed nuts or a real meal.
3. Read the nutritional labels of everything you buy. Evaluate your purchases based on the Sugar/protein ratio. Never buy anything that has more sugar than protein.
4. Quit All soda and fruit juices.
5. eat a handful of greens (no dressing) before going to bed. It improves digestion and sleep.
6. cardio every day or every other day. You don’t have to run 6 miles, just run to the end of the block. Kicker: with your shirt off (#7)
7. Track your efforts in some way. Put a scale next to the door. Take a picture of every meal you eat. Take a picture with your shirt off every day.
8. Exercises to target belly fat. Daily planks (up to 1 minute each side), crunches (20 a day)
9. Fasting causes weight gain unless you are in a state of keto.