Making a pull request.

Jan 10, 2021


git checkout -b develop_<nameOfFeatureYou'reWorkingOn> # creates a new branch

Make the changes in code that you want.

Go into GitKraken or SourceTree to add the specific lines and then make your commits.

git log # to check that your commits are there
git branch # copy the branch you are on
git push origin <yourCopiedBranch>

Go to Github, you should see, the new commits yellow banner.

If you don’t see it, you might be on the wrong branch in github.

You can also click on your fork and click on this

And manually point the branches.

Then you can edit and make comments. You can then pass the link to the pull request (aka PR) to team members that need to review it before merging.

If you have merge rights you can then click Merge Pull request.

To get the updated code:

git fetch



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