Create your Webfaction account. Pay for the service and then verify the email or it will complain ad nauseam.
Type a name, in JaxCode Academy’s case, choose PHP for App Category. Your choose will save you the trouble of having to upload and install a backend program on your server like PHP.
We use the default App Type.
Start typing your domain name. When you sign up one is automagically created with your user name. Choose the one you created since then. In our case, its wecancode.slydon.
Lets break this down, wecancode
is a machine, slydon
is a submachine.
is the address on the machine.
Download and install CyberDuck!
Open it.
You hopefully can find them in your password saver, such as Safari. You can
For our purposes we can leave SSH private key as none.
Now go back to your dashboard and manually type the url you have in your web browser.
“Hello world”, just like it says in the code!
If you change the code in your cyberduck folder then it will reflect in your website.
If you make changes to the doc and save it and if you have notifications set up for cyber duck, then cyber duck will let you know that your website is updated. Yay! If you go to your website and you don’t have any problems you’re done.
If you get something like this:
Then you probably have something going funny with your nested files in CyberDuck. Your file structure should look something like this:
For each Website it should follow this hierarchy.
webapps -> yourWebsite -> index.html
not these
webapps -> yourWebsite -> yourWebsite -> index.html
webapps -> yourWebsite -> (empty)
notWebApps -> yourWebsite -> yourWebsite -> index.html