How to configure a Linux server with AWS

2 min readApr 6, 2020


First install the Linux apache server

sudo yum -y install httpd mod_ssl
hmm… thats weird

It appears we aren’t accessing the terminal in our remote server.

Go through these steps if you are getting this error.

Now when you open your terminal you should see

The ip should match your private ip

Which you can find in your AWS instance details view. This indicates you are writing commands to your remote server instance.

Now you should try the commands and they should work.

We are installing apache servers (digital versions) to the remote AWS instance, using the local terminal.

Start your servers with this:

sudo service httpd start

We can open vi editor

sudo vi /var/www/html/index.html

Then type “i”

Then put in some html so that when this is run we can prove that the server is configured correctly.

To save, press escape. Then :wq! then carraige return.

Take the steps to access your instances then:

select your instance

Then in the bottom right find your public ip

Copy the DNS, then paste it in your browser, you should see your html!



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